Why Beagles Are the Worst Dogs? 7 Reasons to Know

Why Beagles Are the Worst Dogs?

If you own a beagle, then you know this very well that Beagles are stubborn. This makes it a little more challenging to train them. I have raised two naughty beagles, and over the years, I have stumbled upon various behavior problems. So I decided to help my fellow beagle parents and made this list of 7 common beagle behavior problems and how to deal with them.

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7 Common Behavioral Problems in Beagles and How to Deal with Them

Excessive Barking and Whining

Problem Number 1 is excessive barking and whining. Beagles are vocally expressive. They like to express their feeling out loud. You may have already heard them making different types of noises like barking, whining, baying, and howling. Barking is normal. They like to bark just like people like to talk. But sometimes loud and excessive barking can become a little irritating for us.

Beagles often bark when they are bored and want your attention. They are very clever at picking up small things. If they notice that barking gets your attention, they will bark even more often next time. The best way to deal with excessive barking is by not reacting to it. When your beagle barks or whines or howls to gain your attention, do not respond, do not even look at him, keep doing what you were. And once he stops barking for more than two minutes, give him a treat. By this, you are promoting the good behavior of your beagle without encouraging his barking.

Chewing Furniture in the House

The second common problem is chewing furniture in the house. Beagles like chewing. It makes them happy and satisfied. While it’s okay to chew on toys, what’s not okay is to chew on furniture and other household things. This problem is more common than you think. When I got Groot, he was a zombie. He used to chew everything that could fit in his mouth. Just look at our furniture, it still has all the teeth marks.

The best way to stop unwanted chewing is to confine your beagle to his chew toys only. Do not give him a chance to chew anything else. Do not allow him to roam freely in your house until he learns the correct behavior. Instead, keep him in a beagle proofed room or in his crate with his chew toys.

Ignoring Commands

Problem Number 3 is ignoring commands. Beagles are very smart and cunning dogs. They will stop following your commands if they realize they don’t benefit much from following your orders. Let’s say if you stop giving them treats for a while for following your commands, they will start ignoring you. Something similar happened to my neighbor. Her two-year-old beagle would listen to her only when she had a treat in her hands. And he would ignore all her commands when she had nothing in her hands.

Your beagle needs some positive reinforcement to follow your commands. First, start giving him treats every time he follows your command. Gradually decrease the frequency at which you give the treats. For instance, start with giving your beagle treats for every time he follows the command, then lower down the frequency to treating him for every 2nd time he follows the commands. And then after every three times.

Pulling on the Leash

Problem Number 4 is pulling on the leash. Beagles have a curious mind. You can say they are dogs with Hashtag WonderLust. Due to this, pulling on their leash is a common behavior problem among beagles. When they are out in the open, beagles are more interested in finding out the source of a scent than sticking beside their owners. Allowing your beagle to pull will motivate him more. Whenever he pulls on the leash, stop right there. He needs to understand that pulling will not get him what he wants. Once he stops pulling and comes back to you, give him a treat, and continue walking. Soon he will understand that pulling gets him nowhere and stop doing it.

Biting or Nipping

Problem Number 5 is biting or nipping. It is normal for young puppies to bite. They don't know how to interact with humans. It is your duty to teach them the correct way to communicate with you. However, biting habits can continue into adulthood if you fail to teach them the correct way of interacting when they are young. Soft play-biting is fine, but if it causes any type of pain, then you have to do something about it.

To fix this problem, redirect your dog's behavior to a toy whenever he starts biting. When he bites, make a low pitch, loud noise until he stops and then ignore him for some time. This will help your beagle to understand that biting hurts, and it will end all the fun for him.

Jumping on You

Problem Number 6 is jumping on you. Jumping on people is not something you should promote. Beagles can jump for many reasons. They jump when they are excited, they jump to greet people, and they jump when they want something that you are holding. While jumping on you may seem cute, it can be dangerous for you as well as your beagle.

To fix this problem, whenever your beagle jumps on you, turn away. Do not motivate his behavior by greeting him back. If your beagle jumps to grab things from your hands, then make him sit. If he doesn't sit, then wait and do nothing until he does. If he jumps on strangers and guests, then show him a treat and make him sit before you open the door.

Separation Anxiety

Problem Number 7 is separation anxiety. Beagles are social and friendly dogs. While this is an excellent quality, it also makes them prone to separation anxiety. Beagles like to be around people, but when left alone, they can become anxious. Separation anxiety can lead to destructive behavior like chewing and excessive barking.

If your beagle starts barking every time you leave him alone in the room, then he is going through separation anxiety. To fix this problem, before you leave the house, offer him a Kong toy filled with dog food and let him get busy getting his food out of it.


Every behavior problem of your beagle is fixable. You just need enough time and patience. However, if you are unable to solve any of these issues, there is no shame in asking for help from a professional dog trainer.

FAQs regarding Beagles Dogs Behaviours

Why beagles are not good pets?

Beagles can make wonderful pets for the right family. However, they have high energy levels and a strong prey drive, which can make them challenging for some households. Without proper training and exercise, they may exhibit behaviors like excessive barking or digging.

Why don't people like beagles?

Some people may not prefer Beagles due to their tendency to bark loudly and their strong hunting instincts. Additionally, Beagles require consistent training and mental stimulation to thrive, which may not align with every owner's lifestyle.

Why do beagles have a bad reputation?

Beagles don't necessarily have a bad reputation overall, but their traits, such as stubbornness and a tendency to follow their nose, can lead to challenges in training and behavior management if not addressed properly.

Why is my Beagle so bad?

A Beagle's behavior may be challenging if they are not receiving enough physical exercise, mental stimulation, or proper training. Addressing these needs can often improve their behavior significantly.

Is Beagle an aggressive breed?

Beagles are not typically considered aggressive breeds. They are known for their friendly and sociable nature, although individual temperament can vary.

Do Beagles bite a lot?

Beagles, like any dog, may exhibit biting behaviors if not properly trained or socialized. However, with appropriate training and positive reinforcement, biting can be minimized.

Is Beagle a difficult dog?

Beagles can be considered moderately difficult to train due to their independent nature and strong scenting instincts. However, with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement training methods, they can learn to be well-behaved companions.

Should I let my Beagle sleep with me?

Whether or not to allow your Beagle to sleep with you is a personal preference. Some owners enjoy the companionship and warmth, while others prefer their pets to sleep in their own beds. Just ensure your Beagle has a comfortable and safe sleeping area.

Is Beagle a good house dog?

Yes, Beagles can make good house dogs with proper training, exercise, and mental stimulation. They are affectionate, loyal, and enjoy being part of the family.

Do Beagles have bad health?

Beagles are generally healthy dogs, but like all breeds, they can be prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia, ear infections, and obesity. Regular veterinary check-ups and a healthy lifestyle can help prevent potential health problems.

Are Beagles good with kids?

Yes, Beagles are typically good with children. They are playful, affectionate, and enjoy being part of a family. However, supervision is always recommended, especially with younger children, to ensure safe interactions between the dog and the child.

What are 3 interesting facts about Beagles?

  1. Beagles have an exceptional sense of smell, which makes them excellent scent-tracking dogs.
  2. They are known for their distinctive bay, or howl, which they use when they catch an interesting scent.
  3. Beagles were historically bred for hunting rabbits, and their name is believed to have originated from the French word "begueule," meaning "open throat" or "loudmouth."

Is Beagle a protective dog?

Beagles are not typically known for being protective guard dogs. They are more likely to greet strangers with enthusiasm than to exhibit protective behaviors.

Do Beagles bark a lot?

Beagles are known for their vocal nature and may bark frequently, especially if they are bored, lonely, or have detected an interesting scent. Proper training and mental stimulation can help manage excessive barking.

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